Making the Most of It
Whether solo caregiving was your choice or not, things are what they are, and it is time to move forward. Time is of the essence; children grow quickly. This may seem like an unending trial, but trust me, it is over way quicker than you will realize. So how do you make the most out of your time?
Investing time in your family group is essential, not simply spending time together; that is blowing your chance at a valuable return. Invest your time into your children. Be present. Being present is a gift. You also have to invest your time, and efforts, and make sacrifices to be there.
Being physically there is only a portion of it; you must also be actively present. This means your mental and emotional self must also be thinking about the current situation.
When you are investing time in your child, you are thinking of them, being present in the game.
Focusing on the task at hand.
If you have a younger child, get in character.
Play the part of the tea party princess or the horse the cowboy wants to gallop around with.

As funny as it sounds, when my oldest was a child, she loved to pretend to be a missionary. So we would run to jungles all around the world and see the most exotic animals while helping others and witnessing to plants in our own backyard. Sound weird? Well, maybe, but I don’t think so, because, it's what she wanted to do.
Maybe a teenager wants to go on a scavenger hunt or play video games or some are into reading books. Join them where they are and what interests them. That is making the most of it.
Will you be sacrificing the time you need to complete other tasks? Yes, but what I have come to realize is that the work will still be waiting for you once they have moved out.
Houses still need upkeeping after the kids leave.
God says to teach your children about him while walking with them. Deuteronomy 6:7 says, "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up."
Do not lose this opportunity, by focusing on everything else and neglecting what your families needs the most which is you.
For many single parent households one parent has completely dropped out of the race. Don’t you leave them too. God has brought you this far and will not leave you stranded. He loves you and will see you through. In the end when you count the costs You will lack nothing and will have gained more that you could have ever invested.
Investing time in your kids has great returns.